Thursday, June 19, 2008

Organizing Toys and Bubbles in the Bath

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom! Wished mom a happy birthday and heard the update on Popo. My grandma is having ups and downs of recuperating from her knee replacement surgery last month. But, she is doing better, after acute renal failure and a minor stroke since then. The trip is still on for my mom and Gary to come to Hawai'i. So, that's good. You know Popo is good when she still has her sense of humor to recall a vivid dream of being stranded on an island after a plane crash. When the nurse asked her is she knew where she was, she said, "Yes, I'm in a hospital....But before this, I was stranded on an island." She's doing good.

Chase is getting more interesting with his actions. He's a very intense child, who studies everything and is very observant. These days, he's into taking his toys and transferring them from one container to another, or putting them into cups or kleenex boxes. He also tries to fit one toy into another toy to see if it goes together. He's very persistent and methodical about it too. It's quite cute.

Went to school today and my part-time teacher Christina helped me organize books. The computer teacher showed me how to use the printer and laptop for the party this weekend. I learned how to edit and superimpose images on photoshop. Then he loaded my car up with all the supplies and equipment.

Chase played hard all afternoon and had no nap. His sleep schedule has been thrown off since I've been on vacation. He'll play so hard in the afternoon that he goes to bed at 7 pm (about half an hour earlier than usual). Then he'll get up more often and wake up at 5:30 am instead of his usual 6 am. 6 am I can handle, but 5:30 am...that's a bit early.

Tonight in the bath, Chase discovered that he can blow bubbles in the bath water. he would lean his head over, blow bubbles, and laugh. He repeated this several times until the final time when his face when further down in the water and he immediately stood up and held me, all startled because his whole face had gone under water. He was like, "Ma ma ma ma", blinking wildly and trying to catch his breath. He was fine. Just a bit startled. And then blowing bubbles wasn't so fun anymore.

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