Friday, June 13, 2008

Gal Time

Friday, 13 June 2008

Chase and I both slept in until 7:15 a.m., so I dropped him off a little bit later at the Halsalls. I went to Auntie Stevi's and worked on making soap favors and labels for a little bit. Went out to lunch with Melissa, Kai, and Sonyei, Hawai'i gal pals from UW, at Nordstrom Cafe.

Tonight, I called the troops in (aka my brother Jay and Shelly) to help with party stuff. They came over and worked on making a banner (Thanks Shelly for your awesome letter cutting!) and stuffing baby food jars with gummy bears. We fed them Sam's Club pizza (Yeah, thanks Jay for eating it all!). I kept running up and down between Auntie Stevi's house and my house, making salads and tending to Chase, putting him to bed. Tried to show them Chase's "new trick" of winking (well he just blinks both eyes) when you wink at him. He's cute trying to emulate a wink. Chase had a bit of the "stranger danger" whine and cry out for Mama, when Shelly and Jay first got here. He just doesn't see them enough so he doesn't know them as well, but he warmed up to them after awhile. Jay took some of Dad's ashes (in one of our Ziploc food containers from the cupboard - Dad would appreciate to ride in such style) to drive around with him this weekend and spread around on Father's Day.

My friend Linh called and needed some time with her girls, having come to grips with a failing relationship. So, like true Sex and The City fashion, I left at 10 pm (after nursing Chase hoping it would buy me some time) to meet her and her friends at the Ward theaters. We watched "Sex and the City". I loved it again! We went to Zippy's afterwards to talk and listen and give advice. I didn't even get home until 3 am! Oh my! Chris told me that Chase was screaming at midnight, but eventually, after walking him up and down the stairs, he went back to sleep.

Definitely sleeping in.

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