Saturday, June 07, 2008

New Yoga Studio

Saturday, 7 June 2008

This morning, I went to yoga at the new studio Alexis' family opened up on Nimitz. About 20 regulars that usually go to the one in Kaimuki went to this one to try it out. Though the heat was not working so well, the new studio is huge, with new lighting and carpet, lots of free parking, and huge bathrooms with lockers AND showers. No Bikram yoga studio I've ever practiced at has ever had showers! We laughed that since so many of us came to this one to work out, who was at the other studio? Waited in line to shower and then about 15 of us (most of whom have been practicing for over 5 years) went to get breakfast at a place called Nico's, on Pier 38. It was nice to relax and hang out and talk yoga and personal lives. We hardly ever "talk" to each other, except for the occasional small talk before and after class. Usually, we're all still trying to wake up and stretch before class starts, and at the end of class, I'm rushing home to nurse Chase. So, this morning was nice to just hang out and relax with my yoga friends.

Meanwhile, Chris took Chase to Farmers' Market and met his parents there. I met them at the house afterwards. I hung out while Chris fixed his Miata. I made a batch of soap favors. Chase had a busy afternoon feeding the birds, swimming in the pool, bonking his head on the sliding glass door, and he loved laying his head down on the sheepskin rug (with his butt in the air). Chris went bike riding with the guys in the afternoon. Chase and I visited Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house. Chase enjoyed hitting the big red exercise ball and playing with cousin Geoff's Blackberry, bouncing to the music. Cousin Lauren and Auntie Stevi helped me think of centerpiece and decoration ideas for Chase's party, while I made a "To Do" list of things I need to get.

Cooked dinner and had another messy feeding as Chase just wanted to throw his poi and chicken all over the place. I tried some baby food lasagna with him, but I think he preferred the real thing we had the other night. I don't think he liked the texture of this one, spitting out the balls of pasta. After a good scrubbin' in the bath (where he was standing on his own without holding onto any support), he was out like a light by 8 pm.

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