Monday, June 23, 2008

Cruising the Mall with the Gals

Monday, 23 June 2008

Chase has been waking up bright and early (and getting all our guests up as well too - my mom and her fiance Gary). He's everyone's alarm clock.

This morning, mom and Gary came with us to return stuff and drop some stuff off at school. Then, we went to Nordstrom's Cafe for lunch. Auntie Stevi met us there. Steph and cousins Jake and Jaslynn met us there after we got gelato. We went shopping at Nordstrom sale racks (which I normally wouldn't do except that cousin Steph gets her 33% off discount for working at Nordstrom's, so there). Poor Gary had to hang out with all the gals and kids, pushing around a stroller, while we all window shopped. Mom bought Chase a hat from Janie and Jack. Jake was really good, playing footsie with Chase in the stroller. I think he's been groomed for shopping.

After we got home (after a stop at Waiola Shave Ice) we filled up the 8 foot pool so Jake and Chase could splash around. Chase was a little hesitant with all of Jake's splashing. Chase stood for about 3 minutes (the longest I've ever seen him stand). I think the water was too cold so he didn't know quite what to do at first. Once he got used it, the boys played with their fishing poles and toys. All the Mau's hung out on the driveway and watched cute little smiley Jas. It was a fun afternoon.

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