Monday, June 30, 2008

Let's Give Him A Round of Applause

Monday, 30 June 2008

I dropped Chase off at the Halsalls at 8 am this morning so that I could run a bunch of errands: Packed a few boxes at school and made some copies, went to the bank and deposited money from Chase's party, arranged accounts, started new accounts, etc., went to the Ho'olu Hawaiian Data Center to get me and Chase entered into the database for Kamehameha Schools (had to bring all birth certificates tracing the Hawaiian ancestry line), went grocery shopping, picked up Chase, and then dusted and wiped down the rattan couch (what a pain with all the crevices between the strands of bamboo!).

It was a productive day indeed. I guess I have a burst of energy and can focus on house stuff now that the party is done. Chase was cute today, throwing a ball to Nana, then clapping, catching a ball, then clapping, throwing a ball to Popsicle, then clapping, throwing the ball to me, then clapping. He was all about the clapping today. While I was cleaning the couches, moving furniture all over the place, he followed me, and tried to put his shoes in the open "shelves" of the couch. He would get frustrated if one shoe fell out. Two had to be on the shelf at the same time. I would move the furniture, and he would look for me. Then he would try and squeeze himself in between the crack of two pieces of furniture and get frustrated when he didn't fit or if he couldn't see me. It was cute.

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